Canton Medical Clinic


Do you struggle in losing weight despite dieting? Do you gain weight back after losing it? Does losing weight seem like a daunting commitment? You’re not alone! A healthy weight loss requires small and achievable changes in your lifestyle.

“Want to lose weight? Start dieting”. We all have heard this advice from weight loss books, articles, and podcasts proclaiming the fastest way to lose weight. An overwhelming number of diets and food options are available to lose weight quickly. The question no one asks is how effective is dieting only? Truth is that diets do not work long-term. You might lose weight while dieting yet regain it when you go back to your previous lifestyle.

Healthy weight loss is an ongoing lifestyle, not just a “diet” or “program”, It’s an accumulation of healthy eating and exercising habits. Researchers show that those who opt for steady weight loss are more likely to lose weight and maintain it. Without implementing healthy eating patterns and lifestyles, your body will be susceptible to gaining the lost weight back. To successfully lose weight, plenty of achievable and sustainable changes will have to be adopted in your lifestyle. Here are the 4 tips to effectively lose weight.


If you want to lose weight and keep it off, certain lifestyle changes will have to occur. Instead of dieting aggressively and opting to lose 10 pounds a week, look to the future. There are 52 weeks in a year, all waiting for you to commit to a goal. Start small and try to adopt only one habit such as following your diet plan daily or keeping track of your calorie intake. The key is to keep small, realistic, and achievable goals. Your weight loss journey will hardly be a linear line. To ensure losing and keeping off simply plan long-term.


Our social media platforms are filled with “diet plans” or “weight loss strategies”. Most of these are good for the short term and quick weight loss, not for the long term. To successfully lose the pounds you will have to commit to small habit changes over time. These habits are hard to be adopted on our own. People often get discouraged from losing weight due to a lack of accountability or unauthentic and overwhelming information available online. Weight Loss Specialists are the solution! They provide scientifically researched weight loss treatments such as diet plans, strategies for modifying eating habits, and exercises recommendation. Moreover, they provide strict accountability with weekly or daily checkups to ensure you remain on track throughout your weight loss journey. You can identify the best habit tracking approach and get the perfect customized diet plan for you through a health professional.


To make the most out of your diet plans you need to focus on what to add, not just what to restrict. We all are aware that eating more calories than what your body needs to lead to gaining extra body fat. Instead of eating less, you can shift the calorie composition of your meal through fiber intake. Fiber isn’t stored or absorbed in bodies and can be found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans. For a better idea, let’s look at an example of vegetables and rice. One cup of vegetables consists of around 30 calories whereas one cup of rice is about 200 calories. Clearly, vegetables will be more beneficial. Not only will you feel fuller after fiber intake, but it will also provide certain short-chain fatty acids which may help burn fat.

Aside from high-fiber meals, protein also assists in weight loss abundantly. Studies have shown a high-protein breakfast makes people have fewer cravings throughout the day. This is as protein is digested slowly and makes you feel full.


A healthy diet alone cannot help in losing weight. Exercise is crucial in losing and keeping off weight. Even simple forms of exercise can go a long way. You can start by forming a small and attainable exercise habit such as walking daily for 10 minutes. The duration can keep increasing as the weeks pass. By starting small, you will train your body toward an active lifestyle.

Later, you can add strength training or cardio. Strength training is advised more as it builds muscles that burn calories. Cardio exercises such as swimming or running are intensive body workouts that can trigger hunger later in the day. For an effective routine, make sure to do a daily walk, 2 or 3 times per week of strength training, and 1 to 2 times per week of cardio. However, do remember that the best exercise will be the one you’ll keep consistent at.

Changing behavior requires time and effort. Start taking small steps today and see the big difference by the end of a month.

Consult our experienced doctor to develop a safe and effective weight loss plan that meets your individual needs and goals.

Nida Latif, MD

Dr. Latif is a co-founder of Canton Medical Clinic. She is a graduate of The Aga Khan University Medical College and has been practicing medicine since 2004. Dr. Latif completed her Family Practice residency from a Michigan State University campus and is board certified in Family Medicine. She has always been passionate about prevention and “lifestyle” medicine. For this reason, she pursued and board-certified in Obesity Medicine in 2018. She also performs wet cupping therapy (Hijama) on women and children.