Canton Medical Clinic


Factors Affecting Fat Loss

The factor that affects fat gain and loss the most by far is energy balance: intake of calories versus expenditure of calories. Your body will gain fat if you are consuming more calories than your body burns. In order to lose fat, you need to consume fewer calories than what your body burns as energy. To simplify the concepts there are three basic ways to accomplish this:

  • Reduce Calories Intake
  • Increase Calorie burn as energy
  • A combination of the above two principles

Estimating Daily Calorie Expenditure

The average daily caloric expenditure can roughly be estimated for the general pollution by multiplying their estimated body weight (15% body fat for males, 20% for females) by a factor of 15.

A more accurate and intuitive method of estimating the daily caloric expenditure is to record your daily caloric intake and your body weight and fat percentages every two to four weeks. Females should always measure and weigh at the same time in their menstrual cycle. You can easily calculate your maintenance caloric intake based on any changes in your body weight. If you have gained weight, your daily caloric intake is definitely over your maintenance level and if you have lost weight it means that it is under

Regardless of the estimates, it is necessary to measure the daily caloric intake and regularly assess your body fat levels in order to adjust your caloric intake.

Reducing Caloric Intake

One of the most over-rated principles in weight loss is that people believe that they can lose fat by simply increasing their activity levels. Most physical activities DO NOT burn enough calories to assist in weight loss. Instead, they can cause an increase in appetite which could possibly result in greater caloric consumption unless the caloric intake is measured which will be detrimental to the fat loss goal. A reduction in caloric intake is the right way of going about fat loss.

Caloric intake should only be reduced enough to cause the maximum possible fat loss rate without losing any muscles. Muscle tissue is metabolically active and responsible for a high portion of the calories that your body burns in a day. Loss of muscle tissue should be avoided as this could result in a reduced metabolic rate.

Caloric intake should only be reduced enough to cause the maximum possible rate of fat loss without affecting the loss of muscle or other lean tissue.

Measuring Body Composition

There are various methods for determining body fat percentages. One of the most practical and cost-efficient is skinfold measurements. This method performed by a skilled technician will provide a reasonably accurate measurement of body composition. (we offer a free body composition test at our clinic that you can take advantage of) There are various methods for determining body fat percentages. One of the most practical and cost-efficient is skinfold measurements. This method performed by a skilled technician will provide a reasonably accurate measurement of body composition. (we offer a free body composition test at our clinic that you can take advantage of)

Macronutrients in Your Meal Composition

As established above Caloric Intake is the most important fact in Fat Loss, the Macronutrients consumed also have major effects. Adequate protein intake is of utmost importance to maintain lean muscle tissue while consuming below maintenance calories. Keep this in mind when designing a meal plan for yourself. Add the proper ingredients and your meals will do wonders for you when it comes to Fat Loss.

Continuously Tracking Caloric Intake and Results

There is only one way to know with absolute certainty if you are consuming the right amounts of calories each day and that is through continuously tracking your food intake. It is not uncommon to significantly underestimate the number of calories consumed. Guessing and estimating do not work in this regard. It will be slightly inconvenient at first but it only takes a few seconds to weigh and measure and look up the nutritional values. You can take advantage of a multitude of Mobile Apps for this purpose. They make this process very easy and fun to follow. You can also keep a journal of your physical measurements and performance which will help and guide you further.

As always, stay informed and continue to strive for your best self physically.

Nida Latif, MD

Dr. Latif is a co-founder of Canton Medical Clinic. She is a graduate of The Aga Khan University Medical College and has been practicing medicine since 2004. Dr. Latif completed her Family Practice residency from a Michigan State University campus and is board certified in Family Medicine. She has always been passionate about prevention and “lifestyle” medicine. For this reason, she pursued and board-certified in Obesity Medicine in 2018. She also performs wet cupping therapy (Hijama) on women and children.