Canton Medical Clinic


Struggling with weight loss or dress size is common for many. There are safe ways to lose weight, if not faster. A slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is recommended for safe, long-term weight management. Many diets can lead to hunger, dissatisfaction, or exhaustion.

Why sticking to a healthier diet can be challenging, as many nutrition experts call it a ‘convenient’ eating plan.

Generally speaking, not all diets have this hazardous health effect. Some diets suit our body types differently just like others. For example, low-carb and low-calorie diet plans seem to work better for people with normal body sizes and are much more effective for weight loss. Tailoring the meal plan to fit individual body types is crucial, as dietary needs vary per person.

Let us look at some of the key success measures to lose weight that aim to:

  • Moderate your appetite
  • Cause fast-track weight loss
  • Improve your metabolic rate while making weight loss sustainable

Reduce refined carbs

One way to lose weight quickly is to cut back on refined sugars, and starches also known as carbohydrates (macronutrients); eat low carbs or replace them with whole grains (complex carbohydrates).

When you do this, the hunger levels may go down and you generally end up taking fewer calories than usual. Revitalized energy levels, reduced fatigue, and fat burned for energy instead of carbs.

Alongside this calorie deficit, if you feel like taking this one step ahead for better results, try taking more complex carbs that suit your body. This high fiber intake will benefit you more, keeping you feeling full and your hunger pangs utterly satisfied.

2021 study confirms low-carb, low-fat meal plans for sustainable weight loss, even in older people. However, as appealing as this may seem for quick weight loss, the long-term effects of a low-carb diet are still being researched.

A 2019 study correlated high whole grain intake with lower Body Mass Index (BMI), resulting in better health and lower sleeping disorders.

Importance of nutrient density in a Weight Loss Diet

Nutrient density refers to the number of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) in relation to the number of calories a food provides. In a weight loss diet, it’s important to focus on nutrient-dense foods because they provide the nutrients your body needs to function properly, while also being lower in calories.

Nutrient-dense foods promote fullness and satisfaction, reducing overeating and supporting weight loss, and are filling and less processed for long-term weight management.

Examples of nutrient-dense foods include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Incorporating these foods into your diet, while limiting highly processed, high-calorie foods is an effective way to create a healthy, balanced diet that supports weight loss.

Portion control for Weight Loss

Portion control involves monitoring food intake to control calorie consumption. In the context of weight loss, it’s an important strategy because it can help you eat fewer calories and achieve a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss.

Portion control can be achieved by using smaller plates, using measuring cups or a food scale to measure out portions, or following serving sizes listed on food packaging. It’s also helpful to be mindful of the amount of food you eat and to avoid eating until you’re stuffed.

When it comes to portion control, it’s important to remember that even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if you eat too much of them. For example, nuts are a nutritious snack, but they’re also high in calories, so it’s important to limit the amount you eat.

To sum this up and to determine the best way for you to lose weight or choose a diet to do it, do consult your nutrition expert or a dietician who is aware of your body type and entire medical history.


Reducing carbs (sugars and starches) can curb appetite, and lower insulin and blood pressure, leading to weight loss. However, just be cautious of the fact that the long-term effects of a low-carb diet are yet unknown. A reduced-calorie diet could be more sustainable alongside adapting to an active lifestyle.

Nida Latif, MD

Dr. Latif is a co-founder of Canton Medical Clinic. She is a graduate of The Aga Khan University Medical College and has been practicing medicine since 2004. Dr. Latif completed her Family Practice residency from a Michigan State University campus and is board certified in Family Medicine. She has always been passionate about prevention and “lifestyle” medicine. For this reason, she pursued and board-certified in Obesity Medicine in 2018. She also performs wet cupping therapy (Hijama) on women and children.