Canton Medical Clinic


A Ketogenic Diet (Keto for short) is a low carbohydrate and high-fat meal plan that is able to provide several health benefits. It has the potential of turning your body into a fat-burning machine while at the same time helping you manage your weight as well as providing you with a high level of energy.


Keto is a classic low carbohydrate diet. It requires you to reduce your carbs consumption dramatically and substitute it with fat. This dietary adjustment puts your body into a specific metabolic state called Ketosis.


Ketosis is a completely natural and normal bodily function. Simply speaking, once your body realizes that it does not have enough glucose to be used as fuel for energy, it taps into your stored fat. Your body produces glucose when carbs are broken down into easy-to-use energy sources by your body. A dramatic reduction in carbohydrates from the diet means your body will not have access to glucose for energy. The goal basically is to force your body to utilize stored fat as energy rather than carbs. Replacement of carbs with fats causes your body to produce acids known as ketones hence the name Ketogenic Diet.

Once your body enters ketosis, it gains efficiency in burning fat as fuel. A ketogenic diet can also trigger reductions in your blood sure which affects insulin levels.


Keto has proven to be highly effective in weight loss as well as lowering risk factors for certain diseases. As per traditional wisdom, low-fat diets are almost always recommended for weight loss, however intensive research has shown that keto is in fact a much better approach to weight loss.

The best part about the keto diet is that it will not leave you feeling hungry all the time. Keto is considered to be the most satisfying method of dieting. It is possible to lose weight without counting your calories on keto.

Increased protein intake is one of the several reasons why keto diets are more efficient than low-fat diets. High protein intake affects metabolic rate making your body burn more calories even when at rest.


The Keto diet helps you lose weight by putting your body in a ketosis state. As you consume a minimal amount of carbohydrates, your body starts to produce ketones for energy. Ketones are produced in your liver from the fatty acids which are found in the food consumed and your own body’s stored fats. Your liver becomes the main organ that burns fats to create ketones. Ketones are then used for energy in place of glucose produced by carbohydrates.

Your body will start to shed its stored fats as your body steadily burns fat as a fuel source.


Considered to be a very safe and effective dietary plan, keto dieters may experience some side effects as their body adapts to your new diet plan. This short period of adjustment is also called “keto flu”.

You are likely to have the following symptoms under the Keto flu:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Low energy
  • Increased hunger

In order to minimize the side effects, you can gradually make your way into the ketogenic diet. You can for the sake of transition get on a low-carb diet first for a few weeks only. What this will do is train your body to burn more fat before you remove carbs from your diet altogether.

Keto diets also play a role in your body’s water levels as well as mineral balance. You may have to add extra salt to your food and also take mineral supplements to restore the mineral balance in your body.

A ketogenic diet can also alter your water levels and mineral balance. You may want to add extra salt to your food or consider taking mineral supplements to restore normal balance in your body.

Use common sense and make sure to eat enough to maintain the right energy balance. You can minimize the side effects of the keto diet and learn to manage them so long as you take a proactive approach.

Nida Latif, MD

Dr. Latif is a co-founder of Canton Medical Clinic. She is a graduate of The Aga Khan University Medical College and has been practicing medicine since 2004. Dr. Latif completed her Family Practice residency from a Michigan State University campus and is board certified in Family Medicine. She has always been passionate about prevention and “lifestyle” medicine. For this reason, she pursued and board-certified in Obesity Medicine in 2018. She also performs wet cupping therapy (Hijama) on women and children.